Important announcement – Covid 19 update
Watton Youth guidance for re-starting football activity during the covid-19 lockdown - Updated June 14th 2020
These guidelines have been produced in line with the Government guidance issued on 1 June 2020, which sees the easing of lockdown restrictions on gatherings, public spaces, and outdoor activities and the phased return of outdoor sport and recreation. We are following FA advice and guidance throughout (visit if you want to ready more details)
The return of grassroots football is something that we know many are keen to see, but at this stage of the nation’s response to Covid-19, it must be done with careful consideration for everyone’s safety – especially vulnerable groups, children and their families. With that in mind, we have put the following measures in place at Watton Youth, to ensure the safety of all.
- All training will take place at Benington recreation ground for the foreseeable future. Upon arrival, all children and adults will be directed to a table near the entrance, where hand sanitizer will be provided. All (parents and kids) are required to use the hand sanitizer as soon as they arrive.
- Football training will take place in groups of no more than six, including football coaches. That group will be maintained throughout the training session. The groups will be kept visibly separate throughout the training. Your coach should make you aware of what group you will be in before training starts. Note, groups will not join up, or swap individuals, at any point during the training session.
- All equipment will be cleaned with anti-bacterial wipes prior to the session by coaches, and given to the player at the start of training. Children must not take footballs on arrival. They need to wait until the coach passes one to them.
- Social distancing will be maintained throughout the training session. Playing of any football matches, full or small sided, is not permitted, in any form. The focus of our training will be on fitness and ball skills.
- Parents are welcome to stay and watch, but they must keep away from all training areas, and remain 2 metres apart from each other throughout the session.
- All coaches must follow FA safeguarding policy when coaching/working with children. Critically, this means that at least two coaches must be present. However, one coach can be at a distance away from the group or in a nearby group and, therefore, not part of the six. However, they must remain in sight of the activity at all times.
- If a child gets injured, then the parent/guardian is required to treat them. Others, including coaches, will need to maintain social distancing unless a life or limb-threatening injury necessitates breaking guidelines to provide emergency care.
- When the session has ended, all are required to leave the venue as soon as possible, rather than congregate. We need to ensure all have left the training location, before other age groups arrive for training.
- All participants should be encouraged to wash their hands at the earliest opportunity. Please encourage your children to use the hand sanitizer as you leave training.
- If your child has any signs of ANY illness, then please don’t bring them to training. If they show any signs during training, we’ll ask them to stop training immediately. If you child shows any covid symptoms in between training sessions, then please let us know at the earliest opportunity. Email us at and let the relevant coach know via the usual communication channels, so we can take the appropriate measures.
If you have any concerns about our set up, or feel the training sessions are not being run in accordance with the guidance above, or as set out by the FA, then please let us know by emailing Derek Hill, Watton Youth Chairman and Club Welfare Officer, at We will ensure all concerns are dealt with quickly.
Finally, we want to thank you in advance for playing your vital part in helping our great game get going again. By observing Government guidance and the football-specific protocols, let’s work together to ensure the transition back to enjoying football is as smooth and safe as possible. But everyone’s circumstances are different, and if you don’t feel your child(ren) are ready to return to football, there’s no pressure. Everyone’s health, wellbeing and safety are the priorities.